Fascinated by Fungi? If yes…

…then there’s a book, authored by Pat O’Reilly, called exactly that: Fascinated by Fungi. It’s the second (and revised) edition, and it’s absolutely great. I’m currently reading through the New Naturalist book called Fungi by Spooner & Roberts (also one to get!) so I am eager to learn more about this kingdom. Therefore, as the First Nature website is one I use quite often to help identify new fungi found out in the field, when I noticed that one of the site’s moderators had published a new edition of one of his books there was only one choice: buy the book. Certainly, I am not disappointed, as it looks an awesome read and is so full of detail (including hundreds of photos). From the segments I have browsed through, it is also a very easy and enjoyable read, and should be one entrants to the world of fungi will be head-over-heels with.

You can purchase the hardback book here for a very fair (!!) price of £24.95 + postage and packaging. There are even some sample pages on the URL linked above, allowing you to basically preview some segments of the book. Check it out!

Fascinated by Fungi? If yes…

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